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SpydyNet Custom Networking Tool By Warlord [Open Source But Don't Forget To Like 😊]
SpydyNet Custom Networking Tool By Warlord read my comment for user guide https://code.sololearn.com/cI2yO9r6z80M/?ref=app https://code.sololearn.com/cAOT0u31NIKk/?ref=app
2 Answers
+ 10
User Guide :
commands and definitions:
connect [address or name]
c [custom data or IP address]
n: No
y : Yes
s: scan ports on a server
e: enter a port number
ipv4: custom an ipv4 address
ipv6: custom an ipv6 address
bin writer: write a binary data into a file
hide: hide a file into a file
compresser: compress a file
image: write a binary data into an image
other files: write data into other types of files not images
Note: You Can't return after entering commands and there is a bug with "invalid input" I will try to fix it don't forget to like :)
+ 9
📖About The Tool:
This Tool is a custom tool it's easy to use this tool allows you to connect to hosts and ports or scan for ports it also let's you custom your own ip address ,custom data to send it by compressing,hiding or binary writing
🔗Next Updates Will Let You:
✅pack binaries
✅give you more status
🌟create your own Network server like HTTP server or ftp,etc
⭐Send Shell Commands