HTML - small problem really but I'm curious.
<html> <head> <title> <p> Error_606 </p> </title> </head> <body> <p align= "center"> <b> <i>Error_606's personal blog </b> </i></p> <br/> <hr width= "400 px"/> <p align= "center"> <i> Hello! :) my name is (a secret) Error_606. You can call me 606 if you want to, as well as Liv which is my "name". In this blog I'm going to write about my development as a programmer and other <p align="left"> more boring stuff xD.</i></p> </body> </html> .................................................................................................................................. In here is a piece of the page, that I started writing to retest what do I know of HTML. And after the second <p align="left"> in the text, the quote 'more boring stuff' has a big break between the text and itself. How to close the distance in there?? Thank you :)