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Schools /Bootcamp Advice
Back in August 2017 I started a boot camp and was doing well. I was learning a full JavaScript stack. I learned how to use node.js and Express as well. I was beginning to learn ReactJS and I messed up financially. I took out a loan for that school but was unable to make a payment in time to stay enrolled unfortunately. I feel like the ads I see are playing tricks on me with so many available schools online now. Should I continue independently or try another?
8 Answers
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Thank you very much I started here at SoloLearn and I see a plethora of new material. And I see the community still exists. I think I'll start over again here. 😄
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Of course. Here’s a site full of ideas: https://www.linuxtrainingacademy.com/projects/ (some may not be beginner-level) and http://www.programmingforbeginnersbook.com/blog/what_should_i_make_beginner_programming_project_ideas/ I also recommend trying to mimic a design off of www.365psd.com . I can also recommend more relevant ones to the language you’d like to do them in if you tell me what languages you’d like to use in this.
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It depends on what helps you best. You may flourish on Sololearn or you may make it on another coding site. You may do well in one bootcamp and not in another. You may do well independently in school and horrible on a site. It's all about finding what works for you. First, I recommend searching for free coding sites online and trying them out. If you find one doesn't work, move on. If that doesn't help, look for a program near you. And make sure to check out your library - if you live in a small town they may not have this but in a city library you may be able to find a coding club (free) to help you or a course. Best of luck!
Here's a list to get you started on your online journey: https://learntocodewith.me/posts/code-for-free/
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Can you point me in the direction of some projects for beginners? I'd like to start making my portfolio.
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I suggest redoing the JavaScript lesson with the Code Playground or another code editor opened as well. That was, as you get to something, you are able to try it on your own in the code editor using different values and such. Along with that, I suggest doing the challenges Sololearn offers on the mobile apps. And I suggest reading up on JavaScript (you can find great books on coding at your local library) and coding by hand or on a computer with new things the book introduces. Also, don’t be afraid to ask if you have any questions or are stuck anywhere.
Alright, awesome. Good luck!
I'm more proficient in JavaScript right now. That's what my study focused on but I started learning Python today. I've been googling everywhere for a glossary of all of Javascript's methods. That's my biggest roadblock to be honest. If I knew methods better and the required parameters I could connect the dots easier to make a function. Learning is one thing for me but implementing on my own is the hard part.
Man you're setting me up nicely here lol.