Q&A Discussions
Why 3 + 2 = 5.0 not 5
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2 AnswersHey guys im trying to male a simple login use variables and inputs. Can i have some help with my code! A syntax error keeps coming up where i state
x = v.
print 'Hello User'
x = 'Tanner'
if x = v
print ('\n Welcome Tanner!')
else x != v
print ('\n User Not Found!!')
0 Votes
9 Answers#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int sum(int a, int b=42) {
int result = a + b;
return (result);
int main() {
int x = 24;
int y = 36;
//calling the function with both parameters
int result = sum(x, y);
cout << result << endl;
//calling the function without b
result = sum(x);
cout << result << endl;
return 0;
why is da last function cout 66 and not 48 isn't it suppose to add 24+24?
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6 AnswersHot today
difference btw courses (python)
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C++ Solid principles
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C Programming roadmap
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[off-topic]Where is Result??
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