Q&A Discussions
Hey guys im trying to male a simple login use variables and inputs. Can i have some help with my code! A syntax error keeps coming up where i state
x = v.
print 'Hello User'
x = 'Tanner'
if x = v
print ('\n Welcome Tanner!')
else x != v
print ('\n User Not Found!!')
0 Votes
9 AnswersCan i write a function outside an object and associate it with multiple different objects sharing some common property upon which the function operates (turning it to a method for all these objects)? If not , whats the use of defining a method outside the object and assigning it to an object property?
4 Votes
4 Answersfunction can_i_enter(age)
if (age < 6) { document.write ("you are not allowed to watch Dead pool after 6:00pm.");}
else if (age>=6 && age<17) {document.write("you must be accompanied by a guardian who is 21 or older.");}
else if (age>=17 && age<25) {document.write ("you are allowed to watch Dead pool, right after you show some ID. ")}
else if (age>=25) { document.write ("Yah! you can watch Dead pool with no strings attached!");}
else { document.write ("Invalid age. ");}
can_i_enter (24);
0 Votes
9 Answersabout size/resize, and measurements: when assigning width or height, px is often! how many px's are there per inch or per cm? for width, it is convenient, with some other measurements applicable, but for height? px's is rather imperceptible! I tried to attribute a certain height in my code, what is best: px, rows, number of lines or what?
1 Vote
3 Answershi everyone,
I have learn basic java,c++ and eclipse more than 3 times, I know everything about basic, but what is next, is this for just making simple input/output programs?
I want to STEPUP but I Dont have any idea
I want to become a professional Android developer, pls give some suggestions.
q. only for experts
1 Vote
3 Answershello every one
it is a usefull advice in learning this html course , leave html5 at the bigining & learn java script completly because in some sections (from 10/19 to end of the course) you need basic & even advance knowledge of JS . then your able to return to previous course & learn html5 easier.
1 Vote
3 Answersabout svg. Q1: when setting up layout size, height & width, do we need an extra layout for some things different from the first layout. ie two layouts?
Q2: what is the purpose of the size? how does it affect graphics in it?
Q3: how to treat problem of over lapping or/and over ridding?
1 Vote
2 AnswersI am doing a project proposal.
my project is about :stock manager program and stock notifier
I had to write some info abt it ,
manual system:
limitations of manual system:
benefits of proposed computerized program :
I am not getting any idea what to write
will any one suggest me please🙏
2 Votes
1 AnswerHi, I need assistance aka HELP!
I've done this calculation in various ways some of printed nothing but zeros non stop.
Using while loop calculate all numbers 1 to 1000 add numbers to sum = sum + i
int sum = 0;
// use a while loop to calculate the sum of 1 to 1000
While(int sum = 0; sum >= 1000; sum = sum + I){
0 Votes
4 AnswersI will like to ask this question, but I don't know if is beyond the scope of this learning. it's about Gethashcode (), Tostring () Gettype () etc. I will like a little enligthment. The definition and overriding in a class, though I have gotten some definition, but I will like if someone could throw more light on it's usage.
0 Votes
2 AnswersI have a project in school and i want to add some login functions. know im planning to make an external js and there i will get the input of the user.In the login button i will put there the username input but how do i cancel the funtion if the users input is null and where should i put these method
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Sololearn keeps crashing
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Lua course?
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Adding an image to my html
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Not able to activate account
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