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What is the best IDE for C and C++(anything but no code::blocks)
i am using code blocks but i feel that it's so bad
4 Answers
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I use code::blocks to. My brother use Visual Studio( Contain C, C++, python and more). There you need to use getch_() at the end of the program.
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you could try visual studio https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/community/
or clion from jetbrains https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/
and my personal favourite QtCreator, it comes with qt framework https://www.qt.io
visual studio works only with windows, the other ones can be used with linux as well
if you try qt creator take a look to the help tab to see the documentation for the framework, it's very useful.
i don't recommend eclipse because it's mainly for java, you need some plugin's to run c/c++ and as a personal experience i would say try those above before eclipse
Visual Studio or Eclipse? Depends on your preferences, of course.