+ 2

React? Vue? Angular?

When you gonna add this type of frameworks to learn, or you just gonna be satisfied with this kinda basic stuff?

3rd Feb 2018, 12:50 PM
eavlthe - avatar
5 Answers
+ 7
there's nothing wrong with basic stuff. it's the foundation upon you build and expand your abilities and knowledge. this app focuses more on delivering interactive learning methods of the basics, and does so quite well IMO. most people hit a brick wall on their first steps in the programming world, and helping them overcoming that is quite satisfiable in my book ^_^ of course once you have a fundumental understanding of the basics, making a leap to learning new frameworks and technologies on your own becomes much easier and very feasible.
3rd Feb 2018, 3:43 PM
Burey - avatar
+ 6
well, there's the use submitted lessons which gets more and more content as time passes
3rd Feb 2018, 3:49 PM
Burey - avatar
+ 1
Maybe you’re right, and I’m waiting too much from this app/site...=]
3rd Feb 2018, 3:47 PM
eavlthe - avatar
+ 1
im more into vue, and working for some military project, but ill be very pleased to work w/ you asap🙂
5th Feb 2018, 3:11 PM
eavlthe - avatar
+ 1
great. if you'd like to keep the contact here is my LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/berdimyradov
5th Feb 2018, 6:22 PM
Kerim Berdimyradov
Kerim Berdimyradov - avatar