+ 1
Can anyone help explain how Brainf*ck works?
I downloaded an app called Dcoder, which is a computer programming playground that supports all sorts of programming languages. However, the one called Brainf*ck is quite unusual when compared to all the others. Is there anyone who could figure out how that works and help create a programming lesson for it? Might be useful once able to be taught; who knows, right?
14 Answers
+ 2
I found this on the net:
The. site visualizes any code you provide as input, and explains the 6 commands. Also, it shows the states of the cells for the program.
This may be of some help.
Also visit:
+ 6
You could write code in it. However, something you could write in 5 minutes in C++ would likely take a few hours in BF. Truthfully, do you have so much extra time on your hands that you can afford to throw hours away. There is only 8 programming characters with a single meaning so conceptually it is simple. However, they do so little you must put a lot of them together to do anything of use. 106 commands to output Hello World! One character wrong and you could spend days looking for the bug.
+ 6
I ll suggest learning assembly language, rather than wasting ur time on Learning 8character permutated language.
although I ll suggest to learn just one or two codes just to mess with ur friends 😈( like one of the SoloLearner did on me)
I read somewhere that knowing assembly language is like knowing Greek or Latin etc, which u don't speak but which has its roots in any language
+ 5
I haven't programmed with any. I've spent some time with BF trying to understand an existing program, which I ran. I was thinking about writing one. I was more interested in the compiler. 200 bytes of assembly code. Less than 100 instructions to convert BF to binary.
I did toss together some BF code to compile, but it's purpose was to watch the compiler single step through it's transformation not produce something working. Compiler design has always been a passion for me.
+ 4
Holy crappity; there really is that kind of programming!?! Wow, I thought Dcoder was just playing around or something. Thanks! Will surely look into it to learn more. One way for me to really keep myself busy. Again, thank you!
+ 4
Just curious. Saw it and was quite amazed that something like that even existed. Especially because of what the name was. Never even knew it existed but not really into learning that coding. Just thought use it as a playtime kind of off-study to see what kind of stuff I could do on Dcoder just to play around and have fun. Nothing special, just a pass time killer.
+ 4
There are much more difficult langauges. http://unitedfox.com/worlds-five-difficult-programming-languages-learn/
+ 3
People who liked Brainf*ck really liked Malbolge...
+ 3
Malbolge, as per this xkcd parody: https://goo.gl/images/1uzuDN
+ 2
No Problem! Glad that I could help.
+ 2
@JoLynn you can do crazy stuff in JavaScript if you truly want to. Look at this code.
Difficult... and unusefull...