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1. the two have slightly more / less advantages disadvantages varies over LANGUAGES,MACHINES..
2.recursion uses stack..generally...loop uses heap..it's most often seen that people see recursion as a wiser approach..but in other hand stack has low memory than heap(loop looks safer)..but at the end it differs from problem to problem, lang to lang, machine to machine
3.tail recursion is an optimised recursion.
4.recursion is very beneficial when the iterative solutions requires that you simulate recursion with a stack.
5. iterative loops fit typical computer systems better at the hardware level.
6.A properly tail recursive function is equivalent to an iterative loop at the machine-code level.
7. well most of the times recursion is wayyy more smaller in code-size and so error-free.
8.in many algorithms recursion fits the nature in the first place.