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Arithmetic cout like cout << 2+2; prints 4 in Visual Studio, but does not print anything in gcc compiler. Why ?
In C++, cout for basic arithmetic operations gives out result directly, but it is not in GCC 5.4.0.
9 Answers
+ 9
works fine here too.
+ 6
From the observations posted here, I think it has to do with how the compiler handles the operator precedence.
It most probably evaluated (cout << 2) and then added 2 to the cout object. (But this should not have compiled properly... )
Observe what happens when you do:
cout << cout;
I might need you to try what happens when you do:
cout << (cout << 2 + 2);
+ 6
I just tried to run cout << 2+2; on an online compiler with GCC 5.4.0, and it gave me 4, so I'm not sure what is causing the issue on your side.
+ 1
This is an error in gcc.
+ 1
This was due to our connection. Now it outputs 4.
With () braces, it works. Strange...
Nope, still with () too.
It is not showing anything.
In SL, there is no output.