+ 14
[DUPLICATE] [SOLVED] Sololearns Q&A search bar
This is a case most people have ignored but I've decided to bring it up.Its the search bar,whenever I search for a post it most of the time sprouts up posts that are unrelated to my search.ill have to scroll down a lot before I get what I'm looking.The search engine is quite weak,am I the only experiencing this Orr... well just thought I made this known to the public,that search needs improvement
19 Answers
+ 14
If I'm to be honest, all of the discussion features are sub-par to today's standards, but this website wasn't intended to be a Q&A website. The Q&A area is just to accommodate the mass amount of people they ended up getting (probably unexpectedly) and give them an outlet to obtain casual assistance for their issues. I'm sure they're much happier with us answering questions for their customers than getting spammed or having to hire people to deal with them instead. That's why this site has a moderator badge for regular members. Smart tactic to get the public to deal with this for them.
Anyways, the point I'm getting at is that they specialize with their teaching content and that's where their focus should be; rightfully so. As such, it's doubtful we'll see much of an improvement to the discussion area prior to the updates that'll take place to the courses/app/content of SoloLearn. You're definitely right though and that's something I've noticed as well.
+ 13
@Jakob Marley
If I was the one here in the beginning, this thread would not have existed. I reserve diplomacy only for those who return it.
You were (and still is) incorrect on what you said. Mods do read threads, and what @Ace posted was not spam. Your statements were negations of facts. His actions aligned with the Moderator Guidelines, and he did not lack progressiveness nor diplomacy. I believe you owe him an apology. If you wish to discuss this, you will have to speak directly to SL, as the administrators are the ones after me who can verify this. I'm sure it would rectify your thoughts on the need for a Moderator/Customer Service course. The mods are not here to serve any customer, nor to solely make popular decisions which would go well with the community.
The mods are just regular users who, for some reason, have accepted the responsibility of cleaning up with what the less desirable part of a community would spit at their feet, on a particular platform. Impeccability surely is not within our possession, but this is not an instance of our lack of it.
+ 12
Truly, the sololearn search algorithm is poor but here's a trick to get better results on what you're looking for: whenever you search for something, make sure that the selected option is NOT "Trending" but "Most popular".
...this has helped me only few times.
+ 11
I think the search function is defined as such that its first priority for searching is comparison of the tags linked with the thread. Then the search function conpares the question title for related words, and thus we get an unexpected order of search results. Thus, tagging is very important, as far as I think, if you want to get your post via the 'search bar'.
+ 10
This thread is duplicate not just because similar threads exist (they do), but also because it has been an issue constantly discussed over the span of one year, in which no conclusive solution has been born from. I believe SL is already working on a "fix", and we should let what is be.
Also, @Jakob Marley, claiming that mods "did not read the content of threads" and "spam nonsense" isn't really diplomatic nor progressive, don't you think. ;>
+ 9
@Jakob Marley
I agree with you. But I also think we’re about to get some downvotes. 😂
+ 9
Reminding someone that this is a duplicate thread by prefixing it with "You too have not used search bar" is simply rude and lacks a lot of insight, which is why I recommended you go back and read what this thread is even about. No one said anything about people not using the search bar, but perhaps you misspoke with what you said and its tone.
Equally so, if it's a duplicate thread about how horrible the search feature is on the website, then provide him with more information and the links to said thread. This is also why I said they should have a moderator / customer service course here. You can't allow the world to moderate your website if they don't even know how to treat your customers properly or the means to properly moderate things.
Believe me Ekansh, I have respect for the both of you which is why I communicate instead of remaining silent. This is a means of progressing yourself and a means of providing further insight in future occasions.
+ 8
That's why it's better to search by contents and not tags just like google has done
+ 8
Come on you two, you're not even reading what he posted and you're just spamming non-sense while pretending that you're doing something to make this a better discussion area. You would think SoloLearn would have introduced a moderator/customer service course prior to allowing the public to moderate their website. lol
Those links aren't duplicates to this thread. This thread we're talking about how horrible the discussion search feature is, and those threads are about how one should search first. lol
Welcome to the thread Ekansh! Since you didn't read the post prior to spamming, this thread isn't about people not searching. This thread is about how bad the search feature is on this website. lol
+ 7
If the mods need to downvote what I said to suppress it, then by all means they're entitled to do so. However, I spoke both honestly and truthfully, which they're intelligent enough to recognize that as such. I feel that I was respectful and didn't call them out of their name, nor did I cuss even once.
All sides have a voice in whatever is being discussed, and just like certain things have to be moderated, sometimes mods have to be moderated also if they're wrong. In this case, they were inaccurate in their assumptions and responses, and I simply pointed that out for the sake of improvement. I have no ill intentions for any of them, as we're all working to make this community a better place in our own ways.
+ 7
'''Also, @Jakob Marley, claiming that mods "did not read the content of threads" and "spam nonsense" isn't really diplomatic nor progressive, don't you think. ;>'''
lol :D This is why you should have been the one here in the beginning, Hatsy.
Although I wasn't incorrect in what I said to them, because that's exactly what was taking place, you're absolutely correct that I could have informed them in a less passive-aggressive type of way. Then again, I'm just a regular member in the community that's backing up others in the community, so I think the "mods" should have approached the situation initially in a more diplomatic, progressive way since they're representing SoloLearn, don't you think? ;)
Don't get me wrong either, though. I sit here for 8+ hours on an almost daily basis doing nothing more than answering questions, so I'm not oblivious to the fact that I answer the same questions all day long. However, we're both also aware that this isn't how that issue will get resolved. There are a lot of changes that need to be made and then strictly enforced in order to change what is currently in place and the things that come along with it. I don't disagree with what's taking place to assist with limiting it or even reforming users so they'll know in the future, which is why I'm not normally taking part in a convo like this, but this particular thread is a case of going about it wrong.
+ 7
I notice that you updated your post and supplied the correct information and links now. Thank you for that, Ace.
I'm aware that I can be rough around the edges, and maybe I'm just a product of my environment, I don't know. However, I think you understood what my intentions were also, which is why you updated your post. If I came off as offensive to you in any way, then I certainly do apologize for that, Ace.
+ 5
There is no problem with offensive criticism when it is paired with your thoughts behind it. It's an important skill to be able to handle this. Negative critique is actually the best thing to improve yourself, because it can show you what you don't see yourself.
This answer isn't actually related to the thread. I just wanted to throw my general opinion about criticism. Sorry for spam :P
+ 4
Actually the search is pretty accurate unless your topic doesn't have a corresponding match. Happens 90% of the time
+ 4
And as I said, you should have been here in the beginning then.
Please, if you feel that I'm incorrect, point it out with facts from what's actually taking place. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but at least when I say they're wrong I present why I believe that to be so based upon what's actually here.
When I said mods, I'm not speaking about all of the mods or all mods in general, I speak of the two here that were trying to moderate this situation; the mods within context. Most often mods, including the ones within context, do read the threads and response appropriately, but that wasn't the case in this thread and apparently is still continuing to follow the trend.
As for what they posted, please point out how any of it was diplomatic in any way? The part where one is being rude and provided no information? Or the part where one says one word and then post links that's unrelated to what's going on? If they weren't lacking in that area, then please provide sources instead of fancy words. Maybe I misunderstand what a diplomat does, in which case please forgive me for my ignorance.
"having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and effective way."
^Sure, that's what was going on here. If you're going to represent SoloLearn, regardless of why you do it, then maybe enact a little bit of professionalism in the process. Considering you believe that mods aren't here to serve the community/SoloLearn's user base actually explains a lot about why many go about it poorly. Fine, you don't care about the users that make up SoloLearn, but you do represent SoloLearn, right? I'm sure you can finish this paragraph yourself.
As for apologies, I would happily give one if it was called for, and I have when I've been wrong prior. However, I wasn't incorrect in what I said, and I was simply communicating with him. I never called him out of his name or say anything out of pocket. He is a grown man, so if he feels differently, I don't mind talking to him and clearing it up.
+ 3
You too have not used search bar. It's a duplicate thread.
+ 2
Perhaps the current search function is like this as the developers thought that tags would be used judiciously and would be in >90% of the cases related to the thread. Well, this what what the condition should have been, but its in fact quite the opposite. So maybe, while the developers find a solution, the users 'aware' of this may try to use tags in a better way. I think everyone will benefit from that.
+ 1
Sir, for your kind information reminding someone that his post is a duplicate can't be called as spamming and I had read the question before posting so.