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What is the best programming language for making a chatting app?
For mobile
11 Answers
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What platform are you targeting? Some answers require other questions to be asked. Is it built into a website? Standalone desktop app? Mobile app? etc... Depending upon where it'll be taking place is how you'll know what you should use for it.
If it's for the web, I recommend learning Javascript/jQuery/NodeJS for that purpose. You can also very easily do it with PHP in lieu of NodeJS. However, when it comes to performance and scaling, NodeJS is your best bet.
Anyways, throw more information our way on your specifications and we can tailor better answers toward what you're actually doing.
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javascript nodejs
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Programming language
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C++ is great, but whatsapp used more then 4 languages.
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If it's a chat, then you'll need to have a means of storing and retrieving messages, which is how users will receive messages from others and how they'll send messages to others. This is where your database (learn SQL also) and server-side lang (NodeJS/PHP) will come into play.
The best language is javascript but c++ is good too.
What is the best programmimg language for develop a game? And for develop a web scraper? For a chat app? What for shuttle navigation system? The answer is only one: DEPENDS...
- What are hardware amd software requisites?
- It must be multiplatform?
- What are your experience in this app field programming?
- Which are language that you know?
Can I use html,CSS and js
If you are creating a Web for it to support