+ 2
Hi guys i have a question about html forms again. i want to put a select menu in my form. for ex: <select name="text"> <option value="value1">Value 1</option> <option value="value2" selected>Value 2</option> i can do it but also want to submit my form to another docs with each option. (from option 1 to another doc or link and from 2 to another one) how can i do it? i hope you guys get what i want with my bad english ^^
2 Answers
+ 1
That should be possible, but doesn't that give a bad user experience? It would generally surprise most users, if they changed a select menu, and were suddenly taken to another web page!
You can submit a form via javascript:
+ 1
i don't want to change my page also it's not for users just for me as hobby. i can send my text from html form to my google sheet doc. And with select menu i want to choose another sheet. i mean i want to change form target dynamically by using select menu if i can ^^ like changing databases