Need help with Java code! Code included below.

I have the description on the code on the code itself. Basically, I need to prompt the user to choose a point on the map and show them where they are, as well as the description of the location. I have most of it done, all I need help with is showing the blank map when the user first uses the program and adding descriptions to each point on the map. I have some extra prompts that I want to remove so please ignore that. All it should do is ask the user for the points, show them the point on the map as well as its description, and ask if they want to choose another point, or exit. This program has 3 classes by the way, which acts weird on SL, so you may want to look at it on an IDE. Here is what I have: https://code.sololearn.com/cekfA1dY9W7g/#java

2nd Apr 2018, 9:12 PM
maddie nicole
2 Answers
I get this error, after I enter some text into the popup window: Error: Could not find or load main class Assignment_2
2nd Apr 2018, 9:59 PM
its better load it somewhere else because i have 3 classes. i used netbeams
2nd Apr 2018, 10:05 PM
maddie nicole