How can I learn C from scratch?

12th Apr 2018, 6:54 PM
Marcio Soares
Marcio Soares - avatar
2 Answers
12th Apr 2018, 6:59 PM
Igor Makarsky
Igor Makarsky - avatar
For C, as I started, I would suggest you a few sources as follows: 1. Programming in ANSI C by E. Balagurusamy 2. Let us C by Yashwant Kanetkar 3. Sololearn 4. Passion for Programming 5. Determination to learn *If you can't buy these books, you can find PDFs of these books available on Google. That's all you need along with a PC, of course! Good luck! Happy coding! ))
12th Apr 2018, 7:07 PM
Ashutosh Tripathy
Ashutosh Tripathy - avatar