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Populating listbox from list oc objects in the dll
How can i populate a listbox from a list of objects in the dll, i can't seem to get it to work. there will be two code parts linked, one for the dll, the other is the selection form with the listbox
6 Answers
Nice code. Can you tell me some more.
Please do specify you question ?
What is it you need help with ?
Can you add a customer to your list ?
Can you write the file ?
Can you read the file ?
What method should the form call to get the list of customers or should it link to the list ?
the file can't seem to be read, though it might just be in the wrong folder. it's not writing to file, and I'm not sure whether the list is added to, have used breakpoints, and list seems to be empty after adding customer.
i may have a solution in 3 days to the listbox problem, but not to the file reader. this would be a rewrite of how the class is created, as well as a method that returns the user once created in the form itself
Take one step at the time, make small steps
Check each step.
Start filling the stylist list with hard-coded data to exclude reading the file.
Use the list to fill the listbox.
Save the list, check whether is in the expected location and holds the expected data
You are doing a lot of steps, I have not named all.