+ 1
Where to go from here?
I have completed HTML, CCS and Python, am currently busy with JavaScript and would like to know which language to move onto from here? What are the more recommended coding languages? Are there any positions/job sectors that require the above courses (of those that I have completed)? If so, would you be so kind as to provide the name? I have tried running a search on Google regarding the languages and what type of positions require which language, but have unfortunately not been successful. Your input is greatly appreciated :)
14 Answers
+ 9
Melissa Calvert, well Unity3D can make mobile games as well to all major platforms.
+ 8
Melissa Calvert, you can try Unity3D which has tones of free tutorial and how-to videos available online also a rich and well explained documentation.
For scripting purposes it uses C#, javascript and Boo (you can select either one).
As for platform, it can export to 21 platforms including all famous mobile, pc, console and ebook platforms.
It is easy to get started and you should definitely check it out if you're intrested in Game development.
+ 8
Jax good for me as I use C# lol. It's been a month or two since I last used it so I don't know about javascript's fate in Unity.
Anyway as Melissa Calvert seems to be new to this field I think Unity could satisify all her needs as a beginner.
+ 8
Well, you can finish JS if you want, but if your true plans are for game development, then I suggest going for unity. Basic knowledge of C# might even be as simple as finishing the Sololearn C# course.
+ 7
I am very glad I could help! I hope all goes well for you, and please don’t hesitate to ask if you need help. For now, good luck, and happy coding! 😊
+ 6
Rostly, while it is true that Unity is great, in fact I use it myself, there are oftentimes better options for special areas of game development. What a console developer finds in Unity, a mobile app developer may not. Btw, Unity stopped using JavaScript. It’s just C# now.
+ 6
Melissa Calvert, from what I sounds, you would be very good with Unity. But, if you would prefer the language C++ over C#, then perhaps the Unreal game engine would be better. I would suggest going with unity, but if you feel that C++ would be better for you, then go with Unreal.
+ 5
Nice! I love it when I meet fellow game developers. You’re in the exact same place I was some months ago. So, first thing you should know, Python actually isn’t very good at making games. Maybe simple pong games, and such, but nothing too great. You will also find that there are little to no games made with python that are available anywhere. One last question. (Probably) do you happen to have a platform you wish to work for? Such as mobile or console or such?
+ 3
To be honest, it’s very hard to help without knowing what you plan to do. Do you want to make video games? Do you want to make websites? If so, back-end or front-end development? Do you have any idea of what you want to do?
+ 2
You guys are AWESOME!!!
Thanks a million! :)
I no longer feel as lost and will complete the C# course here on SoloLearn before I move onto Unity3D.
You guys have been a great help and it is truly appreciated! :)
I should have posted this question sooner :)
Hi Jax :) I would like to make video games and unfortunately dont have a clue as to whether or not I am on the right path...
From Google searches, was advised to do Python to assist with video games.
I chose to do HTML and CCS as most games have websites that you can visit for a number of different reasons. I also thought it would be advantageous to have some knowledge on building a website itself.
I am currently busy with JavaScript, are there any other languages that I need to do in order to build a video game? Am I on the right path? And where do I go from here?
Your assistance is greatly appreciated :)
I didnt want to be restricted to one platform, but am not sure if that is the best thing to do?
If I had to choose which to do first, I would probably go for mobile devices, since everyone practically has one and uses it the majority of their day.
To be honest, I have noticed that using Python to create a game, hasnt been of much help.
I am a beginner and havent even looked at C# or C++ as those werent even mentioned in the Google searches.
I am (more like was since all of the advice) honestly lost on where to go and what to do to get it all completed.
I registered now on Udemy to take the Unity3D course, but their requirements is basic knowledge of C#.
So... do I continue with JS? Or leave JS and start C# and once thats done then move onto Unity3D?
Js is mostly used for Web development domain. C# is used for software development and game development domain.
Decide yourself what domain you want to get into.. Also you can learn both. Both are amazing..
Just Be the master of ONE and know little about OTHER(moderate or not an expert) because you have to be investing time on one to become master in it and invest lesser time on the other.. also it's better to focus on one domain.