+ 2

What is the difference between KOTLIN and JAVA ?

I know both language support Android application programming but I don't know which language support many features and stranght........ today on android platform famous language support đŸ’â€â™‚ïž đŸ‘šâ€đŸ’»(đŸ’ȘJAVA Vs đŸ’ȘKOTLIN )đŸ‘©â€đŸ’»đŸ’â€â™‚ïž

30th Dec 2018, 4:32 PM
Rahul KumarđŸ‘‘đŸ†•ïž
Rahul KumarđŸ‘‘đŸ†•ïž - avatar
1 Answer
+ 2
What Java has that Kotlin does not: -Checked exceptions -Primitive types that are not classes -Static members -Non-private fields -Wildcard-types -Ternary-operator a ? b : c What Kotlin has that Java does not: -Lambda expressions + Inline functions = performant custom control structures -Extension functions -Null-safety -Smart casts -String templates -Properties -Primary constructors -First-class delegation -Type inference for variable and property types -Singletons -Declaration-site variance & Type projections -Range expressions -Operator overloading Companion objects -Data classes -Separate interfaces for read-only and mutable collections -Coroutines Credit: Kotlinlang.org In my own summary: A lot of Java still being quite verbose compared to current languages out there. Kotlin offers a stronger, interchangeable alternative to the Android Developers who want the upgrade but want to continue using the overall functionality and not switch to another language. Thanks to Java 8, many of Kotlin's "upgrades" are unnecessary. However, not all of its features are accepted. So at this point in time, Kotlin seems like a better alternative.
30th Dec 2018, 5:16 PM
Matthew Grimalovsky
Matthew Grimalovsky - avatar