+ 10
weight = float(intput)
#an extra `t` in input
a = weight/(height *2)
# missing an `*` for exponentiation
if a<18:
if a<=18.5 and a>25:
# conditions should be like this
a>=18.5 and a<25:
Finally, output variables should be matched with expected output
#Underweight, Overweight....
+ 5
There are many mistakes in your solution.
Please check each line.
weight= float (input())
height= float (input())
a= weight /(height**2)
if a<18.5:
print ("Underweight ")
elif a>=18.5 and a<25:
print ("Normal")
elif a>=25 and a<30:
print ("Overweight" )
else :
print ("Obesity")
+ 5
AnKiT KuMaR अनुपयुक्त भाषा - गाली गलौज
यहाँ मना है
+ 4
Welcome ajay Vadranam
+ 2
Can you show me a 1 or 2
+ 2
Please try this on it might work!
weight = int(input())
height = float(input())
BMI = ( weight/height**2)
if BMI <18.5:print("Underweight")
if BMI >= float(18.5) and BMI<25: print("Normal")
if BMI >= 25 and BMI< 30: print("Overweight")
if BMI>=30: print("Obesity")
+ 1
weight= float (intput()), <--- this one is one of them
+ 1
Ya I got thank you guys for the help 😍
+ 1
You are doing a great help for the beginnings
weight= float (intput())
height= float (input())
a= weight /(height*2)
if a<18:
print ("under weight ")
elif a<=18 and a>25:
print ("normal")
elif a<=25 and a>30:
print ("over weight" )
else :
print ("obesity")
I couldn't just identify them
Thanku For ur concern Swetha Lakshme S I have successfully completed the code
- 2