i am getting error in sololearn code playground
it is my code and its working fine in vs code and python ide but here in sololearn codeplayground im getting eof error like below [ Traceback (most recent call last): File "file0.py", line 14, in <module> item = input("add item: ") EOFError: EOF when reading a line ] can anyone help i wan to upload it here in sololearn user_input = "xyz" data = [] def menu(): print("1. for adding a item to list") print("2. for item done") print("3. for view item ") print("4. for exit") while user_input != "4": menu() user_input = input("What you want to do: ") if user_input == "1": item = input("add item: ") data.append(item) print("item added to list") elif user_input == "2": item = input("what is done: ") if item in data: data.remove(item) else: print("item does not exist in list") elif user_input == "3": print("your list is : ", data) elif user_input == "4": print("Good byeee") else: print("Please type from 1 to 4: ")