Whyđ„șđ„șđ„șwhy don't get to output....why
def solve_knapsack(profits, weights, capacity): # basic checks n = len(profits) if capacity <= 0 or n == 0 or len(weights) != n: return 0 dp = [[0 for x in range(capacity+1)] for y in range(n)] # populate the capacity = 0 columns, with '0' capacity we have '0' profit for i in range(0, n): dp[i][0] = 0 # if we have only one weight, we will take it if it is not more than the capacity for c in range(0, capacity+1): if weights[0] <= c: dp[0][c] = profits[0] # process all sub-arrays for all the capacities for i in range(1, n): for c in range(1, capacity+1): profit1, profit2 = 0, 0 # include the item, if it is not more than the capacity if weights[i] <= c: profit1 = profits[i] + dp[i - 1][c - weights[i]] # exclude the item profit2 = dp[i - 1][c] # take maximum dp[i][c] = max(profit1, profit2) print_selected_elements(dp, weights, profits, capacity) # maximum profit will be at the bottom-right corner.