Please can anybody tell me what (...fns),initalVal ,fn and Val mean
const compose = (...fns) => (initialVal) => fns.reduceRight((val, fn) => fn(val), initialVal);
8 Answers
+ 1
Ok thanks a lot..let me go through it
+ 1
Ok thanks.Was able to get the meanings although explanation was still sketchy, they didn't give any examples before moving to pipeline..I'll just keep searching for examples where it was applied.
Where did you get that example?
I actually understood the whole concept previously and even tried it on 2 functions but it was reading left to right like pipe.
Now from these links you sent,I want to reference this from freecodecamp
compose = (fn1, fn2) => value => fn2(fn1(value)
What does value stand for? is it an argument?
This below is more like the pipe analogy
const Drive=function(car){
return ` i cruised through the Empire city with the ${car}`}
const Park=function(car){
return `then came back home to my four car garage to drop the keys to the ${car}`}
Sorry I thought the links explained well what the functions in your question were.
Please disregard if it confused you more.
This shall explain the exact reduceright function.
- 1
It's on virtually every functional programming compose and pipe method in JavaScript online