I prefer code that reads easier and is more maintainable over time. In addition, I prefer native solutions where possible because using libraries and importing functions is cumbersome. Developer experience is key. This is why I always advocate Function.prototype. It’s even more important in React code because using Function.prototype as an event handler’s prop means you get a cached value for memoization. If you use () => {}, then each time it’s created, you’re building out a completely new function. This causes many components to re-render unnecessarily. That’s why you’d have to wrap () => {}, or really any anonymous function in useCallback. In addition, if you care about test coverage, each const noop = () => {} you create in another uncovered test case. The answers of that StackOverflow question tell a story of how Function.prototype is super duper slow. One even shows actual benchmarking code revealing a 70% slowdown using Function.prototype in most browsers. đŸ˜Č Here’s a slightly modified version of that benchmark: const performanceTest = (func, iterations) => { const before = performance.now() for(let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { func() } const after = performance.now() const elapsed = after - before return `${elapsed.toFixed(6)}ms` } const iterations = 10000000 // 10 million console.info(`${iterations.toLocaleString()} iterations.`) const timings = { '() => {}': ( performanceTest( () => {}, iterations, ) ), 'Function.prototype': ( performanceTest( Function.prototype, iterations, ) ), } console.info( JSON.stringify( timings, null, 4, ) );
19th Jul 2022, 7:07 PM