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Christian Huml
think of __radd__ as a backup function Python uses when __add__ is not found.
here is a nice link
and another good tutorial site
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r is for right.
right add => radd
Consider the expression
a + b
Usually the left operants (a in this case) __add__ function will be called.
Like that: a.__add__(b)
If - and only if - a does not implement __add__, than the right operant shall try performing that addition. To communicate to the object b that it's the right operant and not, as usual, the left one, the __radd__ function gets called instead, hence the name.
That is necessary because not all additions work commutative. Therefore a+b might have another result than b+a.
Consider the similar case
a * b
where a and b are matrices BUT of different classes.
a does not implement __mul__
but b does implement __rmul__
If they were the same thing, a * b would now become b * a, which usually has another result (or even none at all for that matter) for matrices.
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if you have __add__ and using it only on the same class, there is no need for __radd__