What is problem in my code?
I don't know why my function program doesn't work here in cycle ishora=True while True: son=int(input("Sonni kiriting: ")) def ikkiga_bol(son): """Kiritilgan sonni 2 dan 10 gacha qaysi biriga qoldiqsiz bo'linishini ko'rsatadigan finksiya""" sonlar=list(range(2,11)) for son1 in sonlar: if son%son1==0: print(son1) savol=input("Yana son kiritasizmi? (yes/no)") if savol=='no': ishora=False
4 Answers
+ 2
Shokhrukh Abdivoitov
But you are not using that "ishora" Variables anywhere so it's wastage then. Use it to stop loop. And you are not using function also. Instead of defining in the while loop, declare it out side and call it to make use of it.
Here is corrected working code:
def ikkiga_bol(son):
"""Kiritilgan sonni 2 dan 10 gacha qaysi biriga qoldiqsiz bo'linishini ko'rsatadigan finksiya"""
for son1 in range(2,11): #without list
if son%son1==0:
while ishora : # use ishora variable
son=int(input("Sonni kiriting: "))
ikkiga_bol(son) # use the function
savol=input("Yana son kiritasizmi? (yes/no)")
if savol=='no':
+ 1
Save code in playground and share link here... Indentation matters..
I think it loop, cycles infinite times..
You have infinite loop now while is always true, you can use some variable set it to true and than inside loop set to false, like ishora variable.
Also you define function inside loop, what is wrong, define it outside and call inside.
Here is word
"Ishora" is true in the beginning
In function it becomes False if you text no