+ 1

A motivation song for {every Programmer && Developer}

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zKIMNgYrzoE Enjoy the song every morning when you wake up.. Wait.. I forgot!! Programmers don't know what is the morning waking-up because they don't sleep yeh :)

2nd Oct 2017, 7:38 PM
Fahem - avatar
3 Answers
+ 6
import java.life; :) (Am I hopelessly lost if I see an error there?)
2nd Oct 2017, 7:54 PM
Tashi N
Tashi N - avatar
+ 1
2nd Oct 2017, 7:43 PM
Andrea Simone Costa
Andrea Simone Costa - avatar
+ 1
Tashi N that's a good point but don't forget that programmers don't give up, you can fix that bug I know
2nd Oct 2017, 8:02 PM
Fahem - avatar