Problem with C++
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am having a problem with a calculator that I'm developing. Can anyone tell me why wont it work properly? It actually doesn't give any error message, but the result doesn't add up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { /*PROJECT_CALCULATOR needs 3 inputs and is able to calculate 4 main things (xD i couldn't find the right term): addition, difference, product and quotient. You hate to send three imputs: the first can be SUM for addition, PRO for product, DIF for difference and QUO for quotient. The next 2 inputs will be the number who will be processed.*/ int SUM; int PRO; int DIF; int QUO; int operation; int X; int Y; int result; cin>>operation; cin>>X; cin>>Y; if (operation = SUM){ cout<< X+Y; }else if (operation = PRO){ cout<< X*Y; }else if (operation = DIF){ cout<< X-Y; }else if (operation = QUO){ cout<< X/Y; } return 0;}