+ 15
How can I be a better programmer? Iām starting college and we need to learn Java.
Iām feeling like Iām not good at all. I read the book, watch videos, and practice on CodeAcademy, but Iām not sure what else to do.
5 Answers
+ 18
Thanks for sharing your views.
+ 13
do challenges on SL!
+ 6
Make good use of Code Playground, write and test a lot of codes.
+ 1
Its my belief that as an individual its down to you to improve your developer and programing skills through self learning and other different methods. Here you can take a look at the top ways on how to be a better developer and programmer.
1. Practice & make Mistakes
The first tip is that you should keep practising the more you code the better you get at it and the more you make mistakes. Why is it important to make mistakes during your practices? The more you code the more you will realize your mistakes in error handling, designing, threading, etc. You will learn from these mistakes and the more you practice your craft the more better you will get.
2. Self learning from website and books
The most obvious choice on how to improve your skills would be to teach yourself more skills, specifically by concentrating on the areas in which you are lack experience in. A good place to start for most developers and programmers is to read through any technical, educational material available from a variety of sources
3. Reflection
Reflecting on your code is very important, every-time you fix a bug in your code you should look and reflect back and see how you can avoid creating this error/bug in the first place and how to avoid it in the future. It would be good to practice good programing principles as well.
4. Learn from other programmers
Try working on a variety of different types of projects. Use every project as a method of learning, doing things your uncomfortable with is good. Through pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and working with other programmers on tasks you are unfamiliar with you will be able to pick up new skills....
So these are some best ways to become good java developer or programmer if you want to see more visit - http://crbtech.in/Java-Training/10-tips-become-better-programmer/