what's the name of the current C++ programming and what are the main differences between the current one and Turbo or Dev-c++?
1 Answer
+ 5
It does not have a name, but a Version. The C++ you find in CodeBlocks is usually C++03 or C++11. The latest version, however is C++17.
The version used by Turbo is a version of C++ before the C++98 version, as it was in C++98 that the concept of namespaces were first introduced.
As C++ advanced, we got classes for strings, vectors(dynamic arrays), STL (libraries to implement data structures), more functions, lots of improvements, auto data type, lambdas, regex, threads, smart pointers, advanced type safe casting, a better random and time library (random and chrono), a complex number library, etc etc.
Well, I will be unable to give you the entire changelog myself (each version has about 30 pages of changes), so Ill post references: