+ 7
Python is a good language for begginers to strengthen your programming concepts. Python can be used for complex calculations and in artificial intelligence due to its simplicity. Python is used widely in robotics. You can also develop games using Pygame etc.
12th Oct 2017, 2:17 PM
Lakshay - avatar
+ 5
I think you should start with python, it is much easier than Java, it is really good for beginners.
12th Oct 2017, 1:19 PM
Lakshay - avatar
+ 5
You can go for java (it is better for making apps and softwares) even without python. Its not easy but not much difficult.
12th Oct 2017, 1:30 PM
Lakshay - avatar
Python is a good choose ,is easy for beginners :)
12th Oct 2017, 1:19 PM
Dark0d3 - avatar