+ 1

How many people are there from Afghanistan?

I want to know that how many people we have from Afghanistan in this course.

6th Nov 2017, 4:33 AM
â€ŽÙˆŰ§ŰŹŰŻ Ű§Ù†ŰŻŰ±Ű§ŰšÛŒâ€Ž(Wajid)
â€ŽÙˆŰ§ŰŹŰŻ Ű§Ù†ŰŻŰ±Ű§ŰšÛŒâ€Ž(Wajid) - avatar
1 Answer
+ 11
Currently there are 2486 Afganistan-registered accounts.
6th Nov 2017, 5:03 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇾🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇾🇬 - avatar