5 Respuestas
+ 8
I love Ruby, I’m using it for server administration right now. It’s Net::ssh library is pretty useful for remote command execution. Metasploit and wpscan are written in Ruby, in case you’re into infosec at all. It’s great for web/app development, too (Rails/Sinatra). Python is also great for server administration, but I’m not aware of its uses for web/app development, but again, I haven’t started using Python, so I may be a bit biased.
+ 4
That’s a hard one, my first reaction is Ruby because it is compiled and therefore will run at a decent speed, but Python has a massive standard library as well as numerous downloadable libraries that the developers didn’t think to make for good languages.
+ 4
Check the lessons.
Ruby's mist powerful tool is Ruby-On-Rails, otherwise it is almost useless.
Python on the other hand, just can't find a place it cannot slot itself in. So with the right framework it is universal
+ 4
Ruby is also use for making plugins for Sketchup a power full 3D drawing tool.
But otherwise have i no Knowles of what it is been use to
+ 3
Personally, I would choose Python. I just find that it is easier to read, I know it much better than Ruby, and I just find that Python is easier to use.