C++ my code
Please help, I can’t compile my code
8 Respuestas
+ 4
Compiles now. Tagged changes with comments.
+ 11
1st problem: All of your insertion << and extraction >> operators are invalid characters (probably you have copied and paste the code from somewhere else without polishing it!).
2nd problem: Russian characters are Unicode so you gotta use wcout instead of cout.
3rd problem: the for loop statements are completely invalid. it'd be something like for (int x = b; x >= a; --x)
4th problem: you've used "else" condition without any "if" to make a pair.
There may be some other problem as above problems consequences.
+ 11
Yes, sir. Thank you.
In fact, after putting the code inside VC++ environment I noticed that log and sqrt functions were also in the Unicode format, so I had to retype them again.
+ 5
Note @Babak statement about Unicode. I know you don't get Russian output as written. I've played a little bit with Spanish Unicode and so far failed to get it to work. You can try:
wcout<<L"До: ";
It got my Spanish closer to what I was looking for.
+ 4
@Babak you got the visible ones. There was also unprintables on some lines.
+ 2
Thank U very much!!!
using namespace std;
int main()
double y,y2,a,b;
cout«"Пожалуйста, \n введите с клавиатуры диапазон аргумента (Х)";
cout«"От: ";
cin » a;
cout«"До: ";
cin » b;
cout « endl;
cout«"Таблицa значений функции f(x) = sqrt(ln(x)) и f(x) = pow((ln(x)), 1/4)\n";
cout«"X | sqrt(ln(x)) | f(x) = pow((ln(x)), 1/4)\n";
for (int x>=a; x<=b;)
y = sqrt(log(x));
y2 = pow((log(x)), 1/4);
cout«"|"« x « "|" « y «"|" « y2 «"|" «endl;
else cout«"Не все поля заполнены."\n;
system ("pause");
return 0;
☝️This code