+ 2
Chat with SoloLearn members
hi learners I am wondering how to chat or send messages to friends in Sololearn Platform? or ask them to accept your challenge ? if that is possible pls let me know.
5 Respuestas
+ 21
Chatting feature isn't supported here in Sl rn, we usually chat through a discord server...
+ 18
its not possible for now ,
but if some user have some code/post ... then u can put your doubt or message there
+ 2
I am new to this platform but not programming in general, I recommend going through all the basic exercises to learn the fundamentals first and post any issues you come across. I am uncomfortable putting any contact information on a coding platform as someone can simply write a script to spam the shit out of what ever comm method I put here, may be a universal slack team with hidden email privileges might be the way to go
+ 1
hi everyone, i am a newbie for java and programming stuff...i will be so greatful if somebody guide me in this platform or any other social media. Thank you...
I second this, Sololearn has a lot of potential for a collaborative open software development facilitation, if there was a way to make nestable teams and slack like channel based inter team/group communication. the community could make some really cool projects and simultaneously learn by doing.
In the end everybody wants to code with somebody...