+ 6

The quick challenges are ridiculous.

The hot button challenges in the different challenges are way too complicated for the time they give, and without seeing the answer, how is that supposed to enrich a learning environment? can anyone explain how these are supposed to help foster a better learning experience? I feel they would be a little better if they were at least geared towards the material presented in the lessons.

28th Jan 2018, 2:36 PM
Gennario Veltaine
Gennario Veltaine - avatar
7 Respuestas
+ 19
U can see the answers after the challenge gets over //scroll down & there will come option to view answer //some challenges looks big but if u see carefully , they will take much less time
28th Jan 2018, 3:15 PM
Gaurav Agrawal
Gaurav Agrawal - avatar
+ 5
In my opinion: I think the chellenges are helping, beacuse a person need imagination and knowledge to do something beauty. When I'm programming, I'm using my imagination to do something new( just if I don't learn). An exemple is a game. You need imagination, knowledge, experience and more to do one. This aplication is for learn the basics, but you need to know what to invent with this basics. Sorry for my bad english.
28th Jan 2018, 2:46 PM
Gabriel Patrascu
+ 5
I like your answer. they are imaginative and it's nice to see the community add to it. I just think that if it's open ended question, we need more time to understand what's going on, or make multiple choice
28th Jan 2018, 3:02 PM
Gennario Veltaine
Gennario Veltaine - avatar
+ 3
@kurwius I think you need more imagination than memory, but memory is more important. What I said sound like a paradox...
28th Jan 2018, 3:21 PM
Gabriel Patrascu
+ 2
I recently had pleasure to try some Java challenges and it was awful. Questions are too long and verbose while loops are too complicated. 30 seconds for c++ was fine, but it's barely enough to check the code given and you still haven't started calculating 3 levels deep nested for loop in Java.
28th Jan 2018, 10:27 PM
BlazingMagpie - avatar
+ 1
As a ‘mature’ java noob my brain works slower than it used to. I find it very frustrating to lose many challenge points, not due to lack of knowledge but purely from not having enough time to work through the question. I feel I would be able to learn much more if more time was given. It would be more enjoyable too.
29th Jan 2018, 4:39 AM
oceanissa - avatar