How do i use learnings in ruby to make a real-looking program? (like having UI - textboxes, command buttons, etc.)

I have already completed the Ruby course and I believe that I have already acquired a pretty good grasp of the language's fundamentals. So what want this time is that to somehow see myself using these knowledge in making a much more real life program rather than just using a console(cmd prompt). I will really appreciate for anyone who could help me.

22nd Nov 2016, 10:32 PM
Hanz Cliebb Tura
Hanz Cliebb Tura - avatar
1 Respuesta
+ 1
Ruby in most cases is used to make websites. Read about RubyOnRails. To give you good example: Twitter was fully made by Ruby on rails ^^
22nd Nov 2016, 11:14 PM
Jakub Stasiak
Jakub Stasiak - avatar