+ 2
What is different the version of phyton 2.0 and phyton 3.0 ? _Please to explain, for the main point only. Thank you
Because, I want to choose more simple between of this program .
8 Respuestas
+ 2
They really aren’t that different. One is definitely not simpler than the other. Some of the syntax changes from each. Python3 should probably be learned over python2 though because python2 will be next to nonexistent in the next few years.
+ 2
All right.. but i'm still not understand, why this program have two version .
Can you give an example, to compare the different from syntax between 2.0 and 3.0 of phyton ?
+ 2
Basically, Python3.0 is just a more updated version of Python 2.0. Regarding syntaxes, I don't know yet. I'm still new to python.
Languages needs updates on their functionalities so that they don't become obsolete and be replaced by more advanced languages.
I can’t think of any syntax change offhand right now. Sorry.
ok..never mind
That's great information.. Thanks for all .