How to extract information from log file in python?
I have log file I want to write into csv with particular set of columns but I don't know how to write it can anyone help me..
8 Respuestas
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first open that log file in read mode the iterate each row then split the informations which you want to store in csv file and store that in csv format
+ 1
import csv
logFile = open("logfile.log" ,"r")
with open('csvfile.csv' ,'w') as f:
#columns in which you want to store csv data
fieldnames = ['col1' ,'col2' ,'col3' ,'col4']
writer.csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames =fieldnames)
for row in logFile:
r = row.split(' ')
writer.writerow({'col1' : r[0] ,'col2': r[1] ,'col3' :r[2] ,'col4' : r[3]})
#here you can also concatinate several data which is stored in r
+ 1
hope this will help you
if you have anything doubt with this program you can ask
+ 1
that is in my laptop if you dont mind give your email address i will send you
maybe this link will help
I want to extract information from log file.. how to do that..
can you give me an example with log file and code.. just sample one
can you give me log file please... because I want to see how log file looks and how you can program it and which output comes... please don't mind that I am asking questions..