+ 6
How first programming language was created ?
which software was used? which tools were used?
4 Respuestas
+ 23
The first general standart of a technical script language was created by 'Gottlob Frege' in 1879... You can ask google for more infos.....
+ 6
Originally, people programmed computers by directly setting up the switches and arranging things. The programming concepts you're learning are things that people use to physically do to a computer. All of those switches/logic gates are the things you use, such as an IF/ELSE statement. You're directing flow.
My guess is the first programming language was machine language. However, it also depends what you consider a programming language or not. You had Plankalkul, which technically was the first high-level programming language, but it was conceptual.... so... yeah. Short Code is probably the answer I'd go with, going by what we consider programming languages today.
+ 3
To answer the question of "how" first note a programming language is simply an idea by itself but a compiler/interpreter implements this idea. So first assemblers were invented which were coded by hand in machine code via a series of switches that addressed each bit (or binary digit) of the machine instruction. Programs were written on paper first then entered manually. But once there were assemblers there was now a way to alias machine instructions with more understandable words. The assembler would then "assemble" the aliased instructions to the proper machine code or op codes for the processor architecture as different CPUs have their own version of the same instructions. Later compilers were invented to further simplify the act of writing software. So most of the first compilers were likely written in Assembly.