+ 2
challange!!!!!Let the pain begin.....
i challange you to find the roots of the quadratic equation ......... and show that if the following roots are real or imaginary..... you can use ... *factorization method. *completing square mathod. *quadratic formula. NOTE:- you can use javascript,c, c++ and python...
4 Respuestas
+ 6
it's now a common practice to submit your challenges as assignments in the lesson factory rather than posting them.
+ 3
where's the equation?
+ 2
Here is my attempt:
Please enter coefficients of x^2 , x and constant separated by "enter"
and submit
+ 1
Brains you are right .. but i think it does not give benefit to. as a programmer one should do it by it own rather posting it in the lesson factory.it is just for fun... brother.