What is div and why use that tag??plz explain me.Thz
5 Respuestas
+ 2
<div> means division, it is mostly used to format a webpage, for example the side bar of a webpage can be a div with a class sidebar and another div for the main content, etc. u can use it to divide content both horizontally and vertically.... they can do much more things than layouts... it all depends on your creativity
+ 2
because that Tag is made by BatMan😂
+ 1
AFAIK, div is a storage for information, so things like remembering your information (that remember me button).
Correct me if I'm wrong people.
+ 1
your right, div is used to store info or coding
+ 1
put it like this
you are organizing your stuff in a room, you divided like a corner for cloth, a corner for your devices.. etc
will in each corner you won't just put everything randomly, you need to seperate related items in boxes, these bpxes are the divs
this may help