If I wanted to post an equation to make it readable, how would I do so ? Or.. how do I print spaces ' ' ?
Ex. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () int a = 6 for (int b = 1; b < 21; b++) { /* What would I put here to out a x b = sum ?? */ sum = a * b; cout << sum << endl;
7 Respuestas
+ 2
cout<<"a("<<a<<") * c("<<c<<") = sum("<<sum<<")";
try this out
this will show
a(value of a) * c(value of c) =sum(value of sum)
+ 1
if you want sum for all values of a and b( as you r using for loop) then write
if you want tab space just write
or if you want each output in separate line write
+ 1
just write
int a=6;
int c=1;
or if you want in the way u write then it will show a compile error,
(if you write as a*b=sum; it is a wrong statement)
+ 1
sorry but how r u introducing strings here?
and where u want to use it?
Thank for the info but I'm trying to figure out how to output a(6) x b(1) = sum(6), I'm not that far in C++ so the only way I see right now is to use chars.
How do I output the variables while also outputting the sum ? That's what I'm trying to find out.
a * b = sum
b = 1
a = 6
So how do I output a(6) "x" b(1) "=" sum(6)
The way I tried above made an error, so how else do I output x and = ? (With spaces between)
Thank you ! Finally got it to work :D