Keyboard Shortcuts in SoloLearn
Hey SoloLearn, Hope to see supporting more Keyboard Shortcuts. some of them that I can suggest is as follow: (IN LESSON VIEW PAGE) CTRL+ENTER = ENTER THE LAST AVAILABLE (UNREAD) LESSON (INSIDE LESSON) CTRL+ENTER = SUBMIT AND GO TO NEXT PAGE (IT WORKS FINE IN QUESTION PAGE) (INSIDE LESSON) CTRL+Q = OPEN Q&A (INSIDE LESSON) CTRL+ARROWDOWN = OPEN COMMENTS (INSIDE LESSON) CTRL+ARROWUP = CLOSE COMMENTS (WHEN COMMENTS OPENED) CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS = ADD COMMENT (WHEN ADDING COMMENT) CTRL+ENTER = SUBMIT COMMENT and more importantly, make it possible to easily move around elements and interact with them using TAB button. (in fact, it is already possible. but the styling is in a way that is overriding the default behavior. I mean, when I use tab inside a lesson, although the browser, for example, focuses on the Try It Yourself button, but because the default border around it doesn't come, it makes it hard to recognize where the focus of the tab is now, when there are multiple try it yourself, or images or buttons.) Best. Hamed