+ 97
If I learn C# in Sololearn, can I develop something in Unity?
I was just a bit surprised because JavaScript in web developement (which taught in Sololearn) seems pretty different than JavaScript in Unity. I have a goal to switch from my current game engine (Construct 2) to Unity because I'm getting bored with my current game engine and I want something more! So, if I take C# course in Sololearn, will I understand the basic of C# programming in Unity?
87 Respuestas
+ 36
Yes and No. Yes, SoloLearn will teach you basics of C#. No, you will probbably not use all this things in Unity (Because Unity uses it's own APIs) but knowing Basics will really help you. As I'm Unity Developer myself I reccommend to take the C# Course for the Basics and then watch (And follow if you want) Brackeys (YouTuber) tutorials. They are clear and well made. Good Luck :) !
Also, If you learn C#, you will learn other programming languages easier because most of them are nearly same as C# (Java is similar to C# for example). Also Unity APIs are Easy to learn if you put some effort (and time) to it.
+ 73
learning c# in general is useful for unity, and yes the course here will give you a good base to start off of
+ 57
JavaScript in unity is not really Javascript. It is called UnityScript. However, it is deprecated thing. You should use C# in Unity. The only different thing will be libraries used only in Unity.
+ 53
sure 👍 the c# course in sololearn will clear ur basics ...
then u can go for unity ✌️
Good luck 👍
some useful threads 👇
+ 31
Yes, you should definitely learn the basics of C# in SoloLearn, then try it in Unity and as you develop your game or whatever in Unity, you can search for more advanced C# programming in the internet, if you need it
+ 23
C# is necessary in Unity then yes ;)
+ 18
If I learn C# in Sololearn, can I develop something in Unity?
I was just a bit surprised because JavaScript in web developement (which taught in Sololearn) seems pretty different than JavaScript in Unity.
I have a goal to switch from my current game engine (Construct 2) to Unity because I'm getting bored with my current game engine and I want something more!
So, if I take C# course in Sololearn, will I understand the basic of C# programming in Unity?
+ 18
nice C# is not useless now 🙌
+ 17
Bartosz Pieszko Ah, glad to hear that. And back to the main topic, is that mean learning C# in Sololearn could be very helpful in Unity programming?
+ 17
Sololearn is going to teach you the basics of C#. For example, you are gonna learn what a function is, what it does, how to call it but not anything about unity's library and its functions. So learn C# from Sololearn first and than start with Unity.
+ 17
C# is widely used , whatever in software or game development , and it been used a lot in windows 10 to build the frontend
+ 17
solo learn is perfect apps code
+ 16
yup ,Learning C# is important in nowdays.it is popular language in developers side..🤓
+ 16
Hey bro, that is why I'm here
But it's not enough to learn C# alone
You should have Knowledge of Unity Scripting too
As it is very important😊😊😊
+ 16
Keanu Taufan
I'm learning Unity for about 1 and a half year and I would say all of them are great, actually it's depends on you!
If you want to follow a series then you going with any big channel might not work as they might not cover all topics(games)
But for eg you wanna make a racing game or horror game, etc. then just search in YouTube and follow a whole playlist but If you wanna subscribe a channel for better skills then you can subscribe - Unity's Official channel, (Of course) Brackeys, (New channel like) Sykoo, (Old channel like) Jimmy Vegas, etc.
And all those who can help you just search the web(a lot)
Good luck
I have to start my project too(in Unity)😊😊😊
Note : These are only my thoughts they may vary with yours!
+ 16
Keanu Taufan, Muhammad Irfan
Hey guys the link is this 👇
Anyone can download this book(free)
I'm too starting now let's complete it together 😉😉
+ 15
Just learn! Only after that you'll understand
+ 15
Yes , You can!
+ 14
Yes you can that is why i am learning C# in the first place, i already have the engine now its just the language
+ 14
yes. Sololearn can do that. but considering that learning deeper outcomes best.