116 Respuestas
+ 73
It is not directly related to your question, but Ubuntu 17 is not a good choice. Always try to use LTS version. The latest LTS version is 16, but they are releasing the 18 in few weeks.
Why? Support, stability and many other issues are solved on LTS versions (or will be fixed very soon)
But about Python IDE, I'll recommend you to use PyCharm. If you are student you can get professional version of PyCharm or any other product of "jetbrains" for free.
+ 35
I don't usually code in Python, but when I do I like to use PyCharm. It has a version that you can use for free, it's available on Linux and it's great:
+ 14
Ubuntu Linux 17.10 is the primary OS on my machine. I use Sublime Text and Bluefish Editor for my Python coding needs. They are lightweight and fulfill all of my needs at a greater extent. I would highly recommend Sublime for the first time run. Try both of them and let me know here how it went. All the best, Linux fellow!
+ 12
Honey , you can start with the SoloLearn Course Available here and after completing the course tried playing both quiz Challenge and Coding Challenge that help you out and many doubt would even raised. But learning without doubt is not learning.
After that there are also many advanced courses Created by our SL Community members.
Approach the external links and sites that may help you out with other Questions .
And We SL user are always here to help you out and post Questions to Q/A section
Other way is the use the discord server of SoloLearn with #programming-question section and ask questions .
Invite Link to AhriFox SL discord server :-
+ 12
learn how to use VIM ;)
+ 10
Python is General-purposed language used from server automation to Data Science. Python is
an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. It is
simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program
maintenance. It supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and
code reuse. Many Countries used Python for statistical analysis and visualisation. It is preferred language for machine learning and other data analysis works.
+ 9
Hello, there’s a new Python IDE that just has been launched, it is called “thonny” it’s available in every OS and is developed especially for beginners. It’s free and under MIT license. It’s a project from the university of Tartu, Estonia.
Check http://thonny.org/
+ 8
IDLE should be ok to start coding with Python, and is installed with it
+ 8
Hi everyone. I think that in order for someone to learn programming it is best to use simple tools and make mistakes. So, for me, massive software like pycharm (~200MB) with autocorrection tools do not help. As others have recommended, simple editors such as nano or geany with the help of a terminal emulator can do the job. If you have more time and the willing to learn more advanced tools, I recommend vi (or vim) or emacs. These are the best programming editors in the known universe :)
+ 8
Short version - IDEs
1. PyCharm - Best, but Heavy
2. Spyder - Still best, Lightweight
3. PyDev extension (Eclipse) - Good, but not python dedicated, so not great, also gives Java feel
4. Atom, Visual Studio, KDevelop, etc. - Good, yet not as good as PyDev I think, also not python dedicated
5. IDLE - Good for basics, comes predownloaded with python (in all OS)
6. Text editors - usually come with syntax highlighting
+ 6
Pycharm is dope
+ 6
I use Eric6. It's an amazing IDE. I highly recommend it to you!
+ 5
use visual studio code
+ 5
You can try for Spyder.
+ 5
uid I fully agree. I use nano for all scripting and even smaller C/C++ stuff. When I was still proficient in Python, it was all I used.
BTW You don't need to make a Python script executable to run it in Python (chmod +x this.py) the same way a shell script doesn't need to be executable by running sh this.sh. You just run python this.py.
When you make a python script executable, it's when you plan to run it through the shell as a standalone script, eg
#! /usr/bin/env python
Just a tip. It saves typing, too.
+ 5
VS code
+ 4
@uid: It's not the IDE which produces the software rather the programmer. IDEs help coders to debug the "known issues" and none of the IDE, on this planet at least, helps to debug logical errors, therefore, it comes to programmers end again. An IDE is used to manage your projects, and BlueFish helps me to do all my project management way smoother than any other IDE. Hence, I highly recommend it. I hope my reply places a line to this topic as Interent is already full of similar debates. -Best Wishes :)
+ 4
i like atom
+ 4
sublime - for any language. you may intagrate devtools into sublime to fix bugs and check code executes line by line.
+ 4
You can use PyCharm.
Visual Studio Code with the Python and Code Runner extensions is also a great choice.