Do you know these Languages?
Ask yourself this question: Would there be other programming languages, if there is one big all better one? The fact is, that you use different programming languages for different goals. I'll list some of the more relevant languages in the comments. Feel free to add your own description of a language to be rated by others. This is not representive and just reflects my experiences.
6 Respuestas
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Commonly used programming language for cross-platform-development. Due to it's JVM, a Virtual Machine, that makes this language platform-independent, it is commonly used in many different distributions.
Creating the JVM leads to some significant overhead.
+ 1
+++Python, R+++
Due to its relative simplicity, it is widely used in research fields like math, data science, physics, etc. Other than the preceeding languages, it is a dynamic language and thus does not have to be compiled before executing. Furthermore the language is interpreted and thus can consecutively be executed as single commands, changing the state of a "program" on the fly.
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+++The C development suite+++
(Probably I will get some displeasure here to wrap them all into one package, but this is how I see it, due to it's quite similar syntax etc...)
This includes C, C++, C#, .NET
They are mostly used for OS development, where especially C# and.NET (technically they have nothing to do with the preceeding ones) are used on the WINDOWS platform, you can quite good build drivers for hardware up to develop games with it.
C and C++ are also used on the UNIX (usually known under the term Linux) operating systems.
Due to their quite close attachment to the hardware, usually they are much faster than most other programming languages.
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First developed in two weeks by a firefox employee, these languages are acronyms for the same thing.
Because of its simplicity and one big advantage: The code is interpreted and executed by nearly every common browser these days. Thus you can easily program stuff for what you otherwise need a server inside of the browser.
Disadvantage: there are thousands of distributions, which have their own syntax and approaches. To count a few:
node.js, ECMAScript 6, AngularJS.
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These languages are widely used by mathematicians or researchers. Due to its functional approach and several other really cool out of the box functionalities and simple syntax, it is easy to learn and easy to be effectively used for what you want to achieve.
Drawback: You have to pay if you want to use it professionally.
In the end it's about the concepts, that can be developed in any language :) like the blockchain