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How to Work with Boolean Numbers in java ?
i just wanna know how can i store a boolaen number like "00100110"( which variable i should use) and "And" it with another 8bit bool number then the result be a boolean too ? should i write a program for this or like Basic language java has a variable to store and operate with boolean numbers ? tnx and sorry for my poor english
3 Respuestas
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8bit Boolean? didn't even know it exist.
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You probably mean binary numbers. The operator AND is a binary / logic-gate operator.
Boolean is more to do with True and False, which can be represented as numbers, but we'd never call a number Boolean.
Here's what you need to do:
You might find my 'binary and' code here, interesting too:
binary number it is not boolean and they are called bits and there are Bitwise operations in java. please get one programming book if you are really serious.