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How to score experience?
I have finished more than 70% of the HTML course and i have195XP but when I look the leaderbord, I see that the 1 learner have 163412 XP! How it is possible?! thanks for your answers and sory for my bad english...I'm french.
8 Respuestas
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On the app
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He has earned extra XPs by Playing Challenge Games on HTML
XP and challenges point:
If you loose a challenge:
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you get XP by completing courses (and they are more than one), obtaining badge goals, get best answers on discussions and overall doing challenges (there are users that complete decins or hundreds challenges to day 😱)
P.S. You can lose also XP doing challenges
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challenges are avaible only on mobile at the time
How can I participate to a challenge?
You are on mobile?
No on PC but I also learn on mobile sometimes
On the app or in the mobile website?