+ 4
I'm learning JS, AM I LATE? Can i go for ANGULAR JS without clear basic JS...?
14 Respuestas
+ 3
I would recommend learning some JavaScript before fully going into AngularJS. And what do you mean by late? To late to learn? Never. It's never to late to learn. Are you late to the programmerparty? No! The more people program, the better!
+ 7
ok thanks again...
+ 5
Pankaj9310 thanks for your suggestion... i'm learning JavaScript right now... if you are free then challenge me in js
+ 4
🆕 🐝 read more from here
what are you doing ?
+ 3
ohh thank you... Boem Shakalaka
now tell me after clearing basic js what should i learn next? angular.js, node.js, etc...
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Rose Sevenyears : thanks... i will complete js first then go for angular.js
+ 3
Chalenges is more like wasting time then learning)
+ 3
NavMen. ok thanks for your suggestion.... I'm learning JavaScript now as your suggestion... and I'm near to complete js basic what u think... js challenges can help me learn better?
+ 3
Rose Sevenyears : i think challenges help me to build up my logic skill... sometimes i guess answer should be this but its not and when i run same in my lappy i better understand actually how it works... so i prefer challenges
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You can,but yoy shouldn't if you want to undestand how it works
+ 2
never never never and NEVER start a js framework or something like that without learning js! I saw a lot of people doing this. They want help, and when i say something they dont understand what i said bcuz they dont know js. NEVER. Also, I suggest u to start nodejs after js
+ 1
first read js then go angular 4.
+ 1