+ 5

Data science VS Web development

I am expecting an answer from experienced people.. Hello, I am Final year Engineering student. I want some suggestions on choosing domains. Although I am interested in both data science and Web development, What domain should I choose? What domain will help me to have bright future... Web development domain has many people in it. I heard Senior web developers aren't paid accordingly. Or on what domain should I focus. please don't say: Do what you're interested in. thanks for help.

11th May 2018, 2:48 PM
Mr.Cool - avatar
24 Respuestas
+ 4
Mr.Cool Now if you enter web design job and learn machine language side by side then you can easily implement those data driven designs. Now you don't need to be scared because what ever changes occur because the companies will definitely train you inclusive to various perspectives. Now this web development area is in excited state just like sp3 hybridization of electron and someday it will return back to normal state. Till then you have that time gap and you should take advantage of the time factor. On the other hand AI requires constant learning skills,ability to solve complex statistical models,maths models,data science and many others.So you need to go in depth to that knowledge. It requires lot of research work.So its good if you are interested in machine learning and its equally good if you want to invest time in web development. With a choice like yours, you need to guide both parallel if you want web development and hobbyists of machine learning.Concurrently,If you want only machine learning, then also you need to take both parallel because you need some platform to apply that machine learning knowledge and for you its web development.Like for electronics, it would be AI with VHDL and FPGA kit or for Mechatronics it would be self generating AI Model of closely related Carnot engine. So machine learning is a base(like building) and it's implementation is in different areas of platform(cloud computing,software developer,data scientist,web developer,web design).So just by studying machine learning won't help unless you have a some objects(cloud,web,electronics,data) with you.I think you know embedded system very well.So for you, you need the platform of web development to apply machine learning and if you have much technical knowledge in web development then go for machine learning.But taking both parallel with web as main job and other as hobby will give you the maximum flexibility and stability to shift when time is right .And your web skills will improve more along.
14th May 2018, 5:30 PM
D-Key - avatar
+ 15
Robert Robinson That is exactly my thinking, too! Learn everything what you can -- you never know which of those things will sponsor the butter on your bread :)
12th May 2018, 4:39 PM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 10
Definitely data science, man. The hype is still well beyond what the market can grasp. Everyone is talking about it and it might seem that the train has already left... The truth is, though, the legacy is so huge that there will be an enormous effort needed by most economies to switch the business models accordingly to constantly self-teaching algorithms. And someone has to do it... ;)
11th May 2018, 8:19 PM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 6
Do all the things! We're computer scientists. Get a job in whatever pays, and have the other for a hobby that you develop. We're basically magical wizards. With computer science we're lucky enough to be in high enough demand that we can flip flop to whatever we want.
12th May 2018, 4:09 PM
Robert Robinson
Robert Robinson - avatar
+ 4
Mr.Cool I am linking a discussion here. And I have replied similar answer to your doubts. You can check there. https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/1169976/?ref=app
14th May 2018, 11:53 AM
D-Key - avatar
+ 4
Mr.Cool You are true.And that's good you have started using Tensorflow.Try implementing your project the image classifier with the Boosting meta algorithm and see if it improves your result accuracy more.After you are done with supervised learning, go for unsupervised machine learning and this area is very exciting.Apply all the analysis of image processing like Binary image analysis,butterworth filtering,edge detection,texture anaylsis and others for the imaging sample .and verify the result. To explain the topic I will in talk in sense of logic!! You see that world is changing with AI. It's true and so only the CMOS fabrication of nano cores has been developed to next scale. Now it's true that you need a very real interest or taste to enter the field of AI. As per your depth in knowledge choose what is best defined by my logic including your decision. Now if you observe, you may notice that every tech giants are upgrading and trying to implement AI within their technology. So the overall effect is going to take some more years to occupy every field of competiton till you have a head to head competition scenario just like the in present situation of web development.Though (ML subset DS) has occupied a good range of scope, but it's yet to move more miles in near time. So if you compare the market of web development , you find that employees are having tough competiton in areas of web development provided they need to upgrade their skills every time the market changes and when some new server+client languages are required. So it's fluctuating market is causing inflation in IT industry.
14th May 2018, 5:29 PM
D-Key - avatar
+ 4
Mr.Cool Think of a case like ping pong ball in table tennis. It stays on the table till any one of the person's looses point. So the event for the ball with respect to players is totally random.So the ball will tend to follow and learn the style of a player hitting the ball with its cognitive skill and favour the best player who has more skill among both based on cognitive learning. Now there you go.You have a AI ping pong ball.And so it can decides who is going to win.So one needs to battle that AI and not the player.I think this kind of scenarios may arise in near future. 😊. So the choice is yours totally.Hope it helps you and all the best for your final engineering.☺️ while(21) Hope clarified☺️.
14th May 2018, 5:31 PM
D-Key - avatar
+ 4
Mr.Cool Definitely. Learn ML and before moving to deeper in ML try to get most out of your DBMS concepts and microprocessor 86/85 CPU Architecture or the 8051 microcontroller.And if possible Real time operating system along with Operating System Architecture. It will help you a lot learning ML. You will understand these references better once you enter the depth of ML.
14th May 2018, 7:46 PM
D-Key - avatar
+ 4
I won't use ML terms as you are new to the subject. So I am just gonna give you 1 hint for each to overcome lengthiness of topic. In OS, pipelining like that of RISC and CISC will help you understand its difference from ML operating and how ML can be used to overcome certain complexity like deadlock in CPU. In 8051 and 8086, if you are thorough with the instruction set and programming you can overcome the complexity of understanding the domain specific instruction set Architecture for neural networks accelerators analysis of neural networking techniques. Hope clarified☺️
14th May 2018, 8:18 PM
D-Key - avatar
+ 3
While data science is the big sexy job title these days, a cursory knowledge and understanding of how the web works is critical in understanding the application of the many heterogeneous networks of the world. Web Dev should be a skill in every computer scientists toolbelt. But let's not forget that data science is the key to machine learning. And since that's an even sexier word these days we should all strive toward that goal so that A. G. I. can become a reality soon!
12th May 2018, 4:00 PM
Robert Robinson
Robert Robinson - avatar
+ 3
Mr.Cool Thank you for your feed back😊 But one of your lines is confusing me.It states "I really wanted some deep and clear opinions"..So do you mean you want in high level explanation or is this in sufficient? I tried to keep everything as simple as possible so that it's understandable. Please define it as words matters 😊
14th May 2018, 7:25 PM
D-Key - avatar
+ 2
I would go on microcontrollers and robotics
11th May 2018, 2:56 PM
Toni Isotalo
Toni Isotalo - avatar
+ 2
For example I am looking for web Dev jobs while I'm a sophomore, and do machine learning as my hobby.
12th May 2018, 4:11 PM
Robert Robinson
Robert Robinson - avatar
12th May 2018, 5:33 AM
Aniket Mishra
Aniket Mishra - avatar
+ 1
Alright. Will do the same. will focus on Web dev and do ML as hobby. Thank you very much..
12th May 2018, 6:54 PM
Mr.Cool - avatar
+ 1
This thread isn't closed. Experienced people can still share your views.
12th May 2018, 6:54 PM
Mr.Cool - avatar
+ 1
yes Gaurav Nath. Thanks for sharing. I understand your 4 points of scope provided there. But as in the Web Technology field, sometimes it scares me to focus and build career in it. It is changing so fast, What if AI enters in the field of Web technology, nobody can guess. Already we saw Wix( Very powerful for small websites ).. >As I have said above, Do you think should I be investing more time into Web development and ML/AI as a Hobby! I know basics of ML and developed small projects like Image classifier using Tensorflow..
14th May 2018, 2:49 PM
Mr.Cool - avatar
+ 1
Thank you for taking your time to answer. I really wanted some deep and clear opinions. I will try doing both and if possible will integrate both of them. :-)
14th May 2018, 7:18 PM
Mr.Cool - avatar
+ 1
Thank you for taking your time to answer. I really wanted some deep and clear opinions. I will try doing both and if possible will integrate both of them. :-)
14th May 2018, 7:18 PM
Mr.Cool - avatar
+ 1
I meant that, Long opinions describing your answers. So that I can get most out of your answers. I still have lot to learn on ML, The algo's/topics you mentioned above, I really don't know about them. So will work on it. thanks for sharing.
14th May 2018, 7:32 PM
Mr.Cool - avatar